Tua Viso introduction
This cordless handheld miracle is genuinely an anti-aging wonder. Tua Viso lifts, tones and sculpts the face utilizing innovative electro-wave technology. It has been developed to restore tone and a youthful look to the face, representing a major alternative for those who cannot or do not want to do costly plastic surgery, botox, filler injections or laser treatments. Tua Viso is a patented, safe, non-surgical device that also restores volume and vigor to supporting muscles, stimulates circulation and helps to tighten the skin. The unit is easy to hold and powered by a 9V battery. Tua Viso is 100% designed and made in Italy.

- Tua Viso is easy to use. Unlike the machines used in beauty salons, no conducting gels or creams are required.
- Tua Viso's shape makes it easy to hold and enables the electrodes to be positioned on any part of the face.
- Tua Viso can be taken anywhere as it is compact, light weight and battery powered.
- Tua Viso comes in stylish packaging, complete with a water dispenser, instruction book, storage bag, extra sponges, video and a mini guide.
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Quotes A word from the experts

"Long term use of electrical stimulation causes skin to appear thicker and more youthful, with a vibrant visible glow."
Dr. Nicholas Perricone M.D. author of "The Wrinkle Cure" and "The Perricone Prescription"

"I've seen photos before and after electronic exercise and was amazed by the difference."
Hans Kugler, Ph.D Founder and President of the International Academy of Alternative and Anti-ageing medicine Journal of Longevity

Visible facial lift and redefinition was noticed after 8-10 sessions using the Tua Viso with 2-4 minutes per area
Independent Clinical Trial conducted by the University of Bologna
Video instructional
User reviews Happy customer
No more Botox
I had read about this product last year, then saw it featured on Rachel Ray's "human lab" episodes. I've now been using the Tua Viso for 3 months, but saw results in a couple of weeks. I've noticed all over firmness and defined sculpting, less dark shadows in the undereye area, as well as more radiance to the skin from the stimulation. Because of the brow lifting effects, I have not felt the need to return for botox treatments.

I plan to use it for the rest of my life.
I have been using the Tua Viso non-surgical apparatus for over eight years. I was using it in conjunction with microcurrent treatments from my beautician who had a large machine for the treatments. My beautician friend left the city and I was eventually depending only on my handheld Tua Viso. The cost of a Tua Viso is equal to about two treatments from a beautician. For the same price, one can have years of toning facial muscles every day. With regular use, it took years off my face!

It's easy to use and to travel with
I have tried other similar machines. Tua Viso does the job. I have been using it for years. If I lost it and couldn't get a replacement I would go into a panic. It is Easy to use and to travel with. I travel with it. When I get negligent in using it I look years old. Cudos I am 79 years old and swear by it .Every one wonders why I look so young. It is really well made and lasts for ever.

Buy it if over 40
This is great, with immediate wrinkle-vanishing effects, albeit initially accompanied by redness, and a definite improvement over time. Even the redness is increased blood supply and therefore oxygen, to the epidermis, stimulating your elastin an collagen. It works with plain tap water. Yes, it's a lot of money, but stop buying creams and you'll save plus grow younger while sitting watching tv. It also has the side effect of making you very calm - this is why cats purr, apparently. Do not buy any imitations, as they don't work and mine will be going on Ebay. Enjoy.